Board Meeting Agenda  Intro



Monday, November 6, 2023 - 5:30 pm

Turbeville District Office

1177 Atkinson St, Turbeville, SC


                                   1. Call to Order

                                   2. Establishment of Quorum

                                  3. Approval of the Agenda

                                   4. Invocation – Elder Joseph Postell

                                   5. Pledge of Allegiance

                                   6. Media Notification

                                   7. Approval of Minutes of October 2, 2023 Meeting

                                   8. Public Comment    

                                   9. Board of Trustees

                                        a.  Recognition of Students for SCReady Perfect Scores

                                        b.  SCSBA Boardmanship Institute Recognition

                                        c.  Overnight Field Trip Requests                                                                                                 

                                   OFFICE of the SUPERINTENDENT

                                10. Office of Finance

                                         a. Monthly Financial Report

                             11. Office of Instruction

                                          a. Elementary Update

                                          b. Secondary Update                                                                                

                                12.  Office of Food & Nutrition

                                          a. Food Services Update                                                

                                13.  Office of Facilities

                                           a. Facilities Update

                                14.  Office of Personnel

                                          a. Personnel Update

                                          b. First Reading of Policy DKB-R- Salary Deductions

                                          c. First Reading of Policy ADF- District Wellness

                                15.  Executive Session

                                          a. Recommendations/Reports on Employee Matters

                                          b. Legal Advice on upcoming Superintendent’s Evaluation

                                          c.  Legal Advice on JUUL Settlement 

                                          d. Legal Advice regarding disclosure of personnel records for a non-

                                                adversarial hearing under FOIA                                 

                                16. Open Session

                                          a. Possible Action on Items from Executive Session

                                 17. Board Comments