

Truancy is defined as when a child misses too many days of school that are not approved.

In South Carolina, children ages 5 to 17 must go to school. Children can go to public or private school, or can be homeschooled. A child should attend school Monday through Friday. Parents or guardians are responsible for their children’s attendance and can be fined or put in jail if their children are absent too often. Children who miss too many days of school may face criminal charges for truancy.

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“Requires that a parent or guardian shall require his child to attend regularly a public or private school or kindergarten of this State which has been approved by the State Board of Education, a member school of South Carolina Independent Schools and Association, a member school of South Carolina Association of Christian Schools and Association,  or some similar organization or parochial, denominational, or church-related school, or other programs which have been approved by the State Board of Education from the school year in which the child is five years of age before September first until the child attains his seventeenth birthday or graduates from school.”

S.C Compulsory attendance law:

SC Code of law 59-65-10
