For Immediate Release
June 12, 2023
From the Office of Communications
Phone: 803.435.4435
Clarendon County School District Announces Additional Summer Feeding Sites
CCSD Adds School Locations For Students to Have Breakfast and Lunch this Summer
MANNING, S. C. – Clarendon County School District’s free Summer Food Program will run until June 29, 2023, and includes several school sites. Breakfast and lunch will be served Monday through Thursday at no cost for anyone 18 years old and younger.
Breakfast will be served between 7:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. each day. Lunch will be served between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. each day.
Meals will be available at the following locations across the county:
Manning Elementary School Cafeteria
East Clarendon Middle & High School Cafeteria
Dr. Rose H. Wilder Elementary Cafeteria
Walker Gamble Elementary School Cafeteria
Manning Primary School Cafeteria
Manning Junior High School Cafeteria
Manning Early Childhood Center Cafeteria
Scott's Branch Middle/High School Cafeteria
Manning High School Cafeteria
The meals must be consumed inside as there will be no takeout available.
Please note that the meal sites WILL be open on June 19 for the Juneteenth Holiday.
For more information, please contact 803-435-8326.