For Immediate Release
October 10, 2023
From the Office of Communications
Phone: 803.435.4435
CCSD Schools’ Report Cards Show Growth Towards Excellence
Clarendon County School District students show continual growth
Manning— October 10, 2023 — Today, the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) and the South Carolina Oversight Committee (EOC) released the 2023 SC School Report Cards. CCSD scores show the continuous hard work occurring in the district.
From 2018-2023, Clarendon County School District schools have gone from Below Average to Excellent ratings. District schools have shown tremendous growth, while others have continued to sustain a rating of Average and above. The ratings prove that CCSD administrators, teachers, and students are working collectively to create a substantial progression in learning in the district.
“As a district, we still have more work to do, and I am confident that we will continue to see growth in our schools,” stated Dr. Shawn Johnson, CCSD Superintendent. “With collaboration and a commitment to academic excellence from our educational partners, students, families, and staff, we look to improve teaching and learning in our schools further.”
According to the SCDE, 22.5 percent of schools received an overall Excellent rating, the highest rating in the state’s education accountability system. Among those schools, CCSD holds two Excellent schools, Manning Junior High School, for the second consecutive year, and Walker Gamble Elementary School. School officials are encouraged by the CCSD report cards.
“In this district, we hold all of our students to a high standard and remain committed to the belief that all students have the potential to excel in the classroom,” stated Arthur Moyd, Chairman of the CCSD Board of Trustees. “The performance of our schools is a testament to the hard work of our administration, staff, students, and parents, and we thank each and every one of them for their commitment to educating our youth in Clarendon County.”
The report cards and ratings are designed to increase accessibility and accountability in South Carolina Schools by providing an easy-to-read and understandable version of school standings (see state rating scales below). The Report Cards are available at www.screportcards.com. District report card rating historical trends (2018-2023) can be found HERE.
Range of scores necessary to receive overall Ratings by school type.
How the 100 points are divided by indicator
*Schools with MLP have 20 or more English Learners and receive a rating for English Learners’ Proficiency. Schools without ELP have fewer than 20 English Learners and do not receive a rating for English Learners’ Proficiency; those points are distributed elsewhere.