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In Clarendon County School District, we recognize that it takes a village to educate and empower our children and build a culture of learning in our schools. Our teachers play an important role in ensuring that our students have a safe environment to excel and that change happens in the lives of our young adults, families, and the community. We recognize outstanding teachers who positively impact Clarendon County School District with our school Teacher of the Year selections. Their colleagues nominate those receiving awards for excellence in their classroom and positive contributions to Clarendon County School District and will compete for District Teacher of the Year honors.

The 2023-2024 CCSD Teachers of the Year winners are as follows:

Summerton Early Childhood Center - Wanda House, 1st Grade Teacher

Manning Early Childhood Center - Felicia Mack, 

Manning Elementary School - Courtney Gibbons, Teacher 

Dr. Rose Wilder Elementary School - Steven Dew, Teacher 

Walker Gamble Elementary School - Katherine Coker, Primary Teacher 

Walker Gamble Elementary School -Deanne Burrows, Elementary Teacher

Manning Primary School - Johnathan Lace, Teacher 

East Clarendon Middle School - Jo Schonhaut, Art Teacher 

East Clarendon High School - Andrea Summey, Science Teacher

Manning Junior High School - Robin Collier, Teacher

Manning High School - Retha Cooper, Science Teacher 

Scott’s Branch Middle School - Christy Blanding, Science Teacher 

Scott’s Branch High School - LaTasha Henry Pugh

F.E. DuBose Career Center - Tammie Graham, Cosmetology Teacher